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What's New...
Keep up to date about what's happening in the clinic and our staff!
Goodbye Dr Roxanne
After over 30 years of practicing at Mt Martha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic, we are sad to say Dr Roxanne Daniels has finished her last shift with us. We wish Dr Roxanne all the best as she moves forward, and thank her for all her hard work.
Roxanne would like to say:
“Thank you all for your patronage over the years. I have loved being part of your health care team. I am sure I will miss working at Mt Martha Chiro & all the fabulous patients, but I am looking forward to lots of travel and swimming, and I’m delighted to leave the practice in the capable hands of Dr Rachel Duncan, and wish her the utmost success!”
For any ongoing or upcoming appointments, please be assured Dr’s Rachel Duncan and Michelle Kerry will still be here to care for you and all your needs, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with the excellent care you have come to expect.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
Thank you for your continued support of Mt Martha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic.
Meet Dr Michelle Kerry
Michelle will be available Monday afternoons, all day Thursday & every Saturday.
You might see a new face around the clinic over the coming weeks. Dr Michelle is starting in July, just in time for Dr Roxanne to have a holiday - welcome to the team!
Dr Michelle Kerry has more than 25 years’ experience as a chiropractor.
The focus of Michelle’s treatment is to assist in the facilitation of the body to restore and rebalance itself.
Michelle uses a variety of manual techniques while working in a safe, optimal space for healing. Michelle’s passion is helping people understand the role of chiropractic when dealing with the complexity of spinal and joint rehabilitation.
Dr Rachel has been learning some new things...
Chiropractic care is gentle, safe & effective for pregnancy and paediatric patients!

Dr Rachel has always enjoyed learning new things, and recently has been focusing on Paediatric and Pregnancy care.
Rachel is now certified in Webster technique - a gentle technique primarily used on patients before, during & after pregnancy, where the focus is on relaxing ligaments and improving function of the pelvis and sacrum.
Rachel has also been learning about all aspects of women's health: from prenatal care, to menopause, to different diseases and disorders that commonly impact women of all ages such as endometriosis, and how we as chiropractors can best support our female patients nutritionally, physically and emotionally.
Lastly, Rachel has been brushing up on her paediatric chiropractic skills - chiropractic care is safe for people of all ages! We modify our treatment to suit each patient, and babies are no different. Treatment is mainly gentle stretching, massage and craniosacral work. We see babies for a number of different reasons, including; constipation, reflux, plagiocephaly or head shape issues, feeding issues, and colic.
If you have any questions about how Dr Rachel might be able to help you, call or email us via our contact page.
Dr Roxanne & Hands on India
Dr Roxanne was privileged to volunteer in West Bengal, India with the Hands On India Program in Feb-March this year.
We had a fantastic team of 19 chiropractors and 6 assistants packed into 4 jeeps and headed into the countryside in 4 locations every day, for a total of 3200 patient visits!! Our typical patients are tea pickers and rock breakers; their bodies are worn beyond their age but incredibly strong and resilient people. The results we saw continue to amaze us.
Hands on India sponsors 6 schools and a women’s empowerment program- involving 2500 women. We had the opportunity to visit the 6 schools with 900 children & this was so rewarding. Loved the Sports Day, nothing to do with coming second in musical Flags/chairs! Seeing their smiling faces, love of learning and a chance for further education was a delight.

Speaking with women from the empowerment group was emotional as we could see how they had found their voice, formed a support network and had financial security for their families. They were so happy & grateful to see us and show their appreciation in person.
During covid we opened 24 new health centres & these have had a huge impact. Each centre cares for 4 villages-targeting 25 high need families, utilising both volunteers & paid workers . The results are improving health access, cleaning up villages, getting access from government funds for housing, clean water and drains, access to health cards, pensions, and so much government support they could not access without literacy assistance.
Meeting a victim of human trafficking, now involved with the health & hygiene clinics, was a very sobering reality as this is one of the major trafficking centres in the world. We are excited to expand our clinics in the region, as the impact has been truly phenomenal.
We came to India hoping to make a tiny ripple of difference. But it us who have gained more, the pure joy and gratitude we have experienced has no words. 6 schools, women Empowerment groups, health, and hygiene clinics. It is truly remarkable how that money has made a difference to people's lives and to experience it firsthand is a privilege beyond words.
Thank you so much to all who have made donations and supported our Hands on India projects. Without your support we couldn’t create such an awesome impact in the community.
Namaste and sincerest thanks.

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The Power of Happiness
Research shows small moments of happiness can have a BIG impact on your overall health.
People who reported more moments of happiness were found to be at less risk of health issues such as heart disease, obesity & type 2 diabetes. They also had lower levels of stress hormones present in their blood stream.
When happier people experienced stress, overall they still had lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, & other chemicals linked to cardiovascular disease in their blood stream.
Happiness has been linked to smiling, being outside, exercise, breath work and doing things that make you feel good.
What makes you happy?

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